Welcome to Physician Finance
This site is a joint effort by industry professionals who help physicians manage their practice, their companies and their finances. Everyday, we see physicians who are frustrated, overwhelmed, or making obvious errors with their money management. The site aims to provide physicians with useful information, a variety of perspectives and informed opinions on topics relevant to their financial success.
Physician Finance produces podcasts on physician billing, investments, insurance and accounting. Learn more about how to ensure your financial success.
Lastest: Physician Investing
Meet our Contributors

Phoebe Breitling
Phoebe Breitling is a billing manager with Statgo, an Alberta based billing company. Statgo provides physicians with secure, fast and accurate billing services, backed by expert billing agents to ensure physicians are paid fairly and on time. Statgo’s app provides physicians with transparency and convenience, allowing physicians to track every claims and ensure no rejections are missed or claims unpaid. Visit Statgo

Joel Shackleton, CIM
Joel has worked in the financial advisory industry since 2015 and has chiseled out 3 niche’s – focusing on Physicians, Influencers and Oil & Gas Business Owners. When he’s not working, he co-host’s the number one Canadian Growth Investing Podcast – “Reformed Millennials”: See here and sits on the WEF Global Shapers and Special Olympics Board of Directors.

Lukas Hayes, B.COMM, CFP, CHS
Lukas has been involved in the corporate life insurance industry since 2015, with a focus on Medical Professionals, farmers and other incorporated business owners. If set up correctly, Lukas believes insurance can be a great tool in tax and estate planning. At ADVICO, his team works with other professionals to ensure a client’s financial plan is on track.

What We Do
We produce podcasts for physicians on financial subjects. We interview a variety of experts and physicians to get their opinions and tips.
We deliver articles written by different experts to help you background, context and perspective on your financial options.
Seminars for staff physicians
We hold scheduled online and in-person seminars to provide information and answer questions. Seminars tailors to specific groups of physicians can be arranged.
Seminars for new physicians
We help new physician setup for financial success. We provide seminars on setting up your practice, preparing for financial success and optimizing your billings.
Latest Podcast Episode
In this podcast, we chat with Dr. Magnus Breitling about his learnings on improving his finances and setting up for financial success.
Season 1 – Episode 2 Physician Investing | 1hr
Recent Podcast Episodes
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